Keep the Mind Young- the daily challenge -June 4th, 2023

On this sandy morning, with the cold and cloudy weather, I venture out for a delightful stroll alongside my trusty old pal, Griffin. Now, Griffin’s absolute favorite pastime is playing fetch with a big stick, and today I’m on a quest to locate the ultimate stick of sticks. Lo and behold, as soon as I discover the perfect one, the stick suddenly throws down the gauntlet: “Hey, can you balance me on your head while strutting around without letting me tumble?” Well, challenge accepted, Mr. Stick!

With an air of whimsy, I attempt this gravity-defying feat, and to my surprise, it turns out to be an absolute blast. Buoyed by my success, I saunter my way towards the green athletic fields of the local school. Ah, behold, three benches proudly positioned there. Naturally, I think to myself, “Why not give this balancing act a whirl on the bench? Up and down, with the stick perched atop my cranium!” The first attempt ends in failure—down goes the stick. But no sweat, I brush it off and try once more, and then once more again, until finally, I triumph! A small victory, my friends, but a victory nonetheless—the highlight of my day, conquering this little challenge with style.