Please join me in my daily morning challenge to engage the mind, body, and spirit. Let’s be present and open to the wonders of the world while cultivating a sense of awe, wonder, and curiosity in our lives. Let’s try something new, be receptive to the miracles the world offers us, and approach them with a thirst for learning. It can be as small as noticing a new bird in the garden, trying a new food, meeting a new person, or setting a personal challenge.
during my morning bike ride, I noticed three beautiful, bright, and shiny poppies. I paused to capture a picture and admire their beauty. In that moment, two strangers who noticed me also stopped to appreciate the morning’s splendor. We exchanged smiles and greetings, brightening each other’s day. I hope that my presence brought them joy, just as their shared appreciation brightened mine.
Now, I would
love for you to share your challenge of the day with me.