The Transtheoretical Model of Change, or TTM by James O. Prochaska and Carlo DiClemente
Asses at what stage you are in your personal Nevita, and let’s connect to guide you in your quest for NewVita.
Click diagram to explore each stage of change
1. Precontemplation- The seed stage - people aren’t ready to make or actively consider making a change. They may not understand that their choices are unhealthy and/or may claim their choices are not a problem. As a result, they’re not intending to take any action.
2. Contemplation – Activation of the seed -During this stage, people are getting ready to change by becoming aware of the benefits. They intend to take action in the next six months, but the cons of changing may still seem greater than the pros; this feeling of uncertainty often creates a sense of ambivalence.
3. Preparation (Determination) – Respiration of the seed: You are ready for making a change in your life and you intend to take action very soon (in the coming month). This is the time to get ready, exploring options and planning action steps.
4. Action – Nevita (Germination): This is when you begin implementing behavioral changes by successfully taking actions. Be patient as change is still new and often there are challenges, adjustments, and lessons that need to be learned.
5. Maintenance - Development of the plant: Now you have sustained your new healthy changes for more than six months. You have ceased your prior unhealthy behaviors and are forming new, healthy patterns as your recent changes become habitual.
6. Termination- Maturation into a grown plant: Congratulations!!! You have successfully integrated the new change into your daily lifestyle and you are confident with the changes you’ve made